
With this blog, I want to show you all the beauty that is life, literature and writing. I really hope you enjoy your visit to this blog as much as I've loved making it.

Thank you for your visit and see you back soon!

Much love,
Sarah x

Monday 21 February 2011

How low can you go?

My dear beloved readers,

Tonight I got to think about chances. There are those who open you, who give you the courage to go on with your dream. It is my belief that chances are the gentlest appreciation of patience. My patience level entered danger zone.
I gave all my chances to love, which was relatively stupid. Then again, it was an experience. A starting-point to show you there's something rotten. Can we give too many chances? I believe we can. How much easier would it be if we had a tight scheme? Two chances, then game over?

There are a lot of factors why we keep on giving a person chances, and lots of it. The most important factor, I think it is love.
The love for your children, the love for the ones who are very dear to you, perhaps even the love for love…

What if our hope and faith in love has gone? There is nothing left to give, nothing left to live for. You can have top of the range cars in your garage, pedigree pets playing in your garden and top designer clothes in your closet.
You can have success and a lot of appreciation and admiring from the outside world, newspapers screaming for your photograph…
But still, if you are emotionally poor, none of those stuff matters. It's what's inside that counts.

Perhaps we need a back-up-plan. You know like a little USB stick you can plug in and everybody's happy again? My back-up-plans are my friends, especially my dearest Elice, for keeping me on the right highway.
Even though there were people who thought I would end up with nothing, she kept on believing in me and she still does.
I'm just happy to have such a friend. Someone who just makes you laugh through your tears. Someone who catch you when you are really falling.
Someone to share a large portion of French fries. Someone to talk about your downers. Someone to drink cocktails with.
Someone who's there in your car when you feel lost. Someone who really loves you the way you are, even though your hair is kind a stupid today!
And if we are lucky, we have always a back-up or an offer to create new back-ups. And if you are very lucky, just 3 km away from your house…


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